Must Think of!
It takes me quite a while to think if I should own a Blackberry mobile. Not only it now becomes one of the HITest mobile brand in South-East Asia, but it also possesses many features that everybody should not miss. I must confess that before the change of heart, I have been fond of Pocket PC (PPC) for many years. The brand I used is known as HTC (changing from Dopod). I can say that, not considering smartphones, PPC has bunches of useful utilities. Consequently, it is notwrong for me to say PPC is the most effective cell phone that i have ever used, plus it can meet almost every need of mine.
One day, I happened to be bored of the touch phone because the virtual keyboard is small and i often hit the wrong character. That is the only first reason for me to be interested in Blackberry, although there were many brands that produces QWERTY keyboard phone.
My main objective to write this article is, of course, to make prospect BB fans realize whether they should invest their money on this kind of phone. Above all, please let me introduce my BB. :) Its name is Ksatrey's Blackberry (Let me take this as an advantage of writing this article):
Are you ready? These are what you need to consider before changing you mind to Blackberry.
1. Monthly Charge: BB is not as expensive as before, more than $600 The price now drops down to only $250 (Curve 8520--or my model). So, everybody, ranging from a properous businessman to a dependent student, can own it. If you want to replace your mobile with BB, you'd better add up a fixed cost to your monthly expense. BB service is not cheap at all. To use all outstanding functions of BB needs you to spend more on its services, excluding
the call plans. You guys need to think and consider this carefully.
2. Microsoft Office Competency: I am always dependent on my mobile Microsoft Office when I used HTC, a brand of PPC. I can rely on it when I have works to complete. Some BB owner might argue that BB has a program called "Document to go" to manage this problem. I admit that for English there wouldn't be any problem but for some Asian language such as Thai (my native language).
It appears disastrous because the consonants and vowels are all misplaced. And of course for PDF reader, BB can only Zoom it vertically but CAN'T zoom horizontally so we can't see the whole content of that PDF. Anyway, if BB users need more effective program in reading PDF, I suggest Repligo but it is not free. :)
3. Blackberry is a smartphone not Windows. Many programs you want might not be available to download as many as of PPC. Thus, the avaiable programs are still limited. Probably in the near future, this problem is going to be improved.
4. Game Addicts are not for Blackberry. Compaing BB with PPC or Iphone, BB is still inferior than those in part of the touchable screen (in some model of BB, depending on price you invest). If you are fond of multimedia, watching movies, and play games, please consider iphone or pocket pc first.
5. You have less BB friends and you are not real email users. In this case, BB seems to be overpricing for you in case of the month charge. In other words, BB will turn out to be JUST a normal smartphone for you.
Note: This article is written based on my sole opinion in using both PPC and BB. I really hope that it will be useful for someone who is interested in BB but still can't decisively make up his/her mind. ^^
Good Featuers of Blackberry That You Can't Miss.
1. Real-time Connectivity. If you are a business man or you work with emails, so Blackberry is the must for you. It can make your life more convenient. Emails will pop up into the mobiles not later than 5 minutes. Most emails will not come later than 1 minute.
2. You can ALL TIME update every issue you want with your BB friends (your friends who have BB in whatever model.) Of course, you can catagorize your friend groups to send any updates all at a time. It is like you are constantly on MSN but BBM (Blackberry Messenger) is much more safer, cleaner and more effective.
3. Take More Photo with Your BB. Although PPC's camera is not very impressive, BB's camera comes with outstand quality of 2 Megapixel (8520 model) which stunt me at the first place. :) Above all, after taking any pictures, you can upload it on to Facebook and other social networks, plus you can BBM that photo to your BB friends or your friends' emails within 30 seconds after that photo is taken. BB is ROCK!
4. Friendly-Use Functions and Clear LCD screen. The picture or theme are presented through vivid LCD screen. Even if it looks smalls that other present phone, the picture looks much clearer and attractive. :) You will not be disappointed.
In case you are Thai, these are BB websites I would like to recommend. (BB Club)
If you are not Thai, please visit:
Thank you for your interest :)
[email protected] (
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